My Ride Levin Foxton Fizzler - 2024

8 Sep 2024 NZST

Traget Reserve, Foxton Racecourse, Foxton, New Zealand Map

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The Foxton Fizzler (Previously known as the Santoft Sizzler) is a 5-hour relay that will be held on Sunday 8th September 2024 at Target Trails MTB trails in Foxton. 

This is a fun event with plenty of spot prizes and awesome trophies for class winners. E-bikers are welcome. 

Contact information

Booking details

What’s this booking for?

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


$25 per person

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


$25 per person

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


Teams of 2-4 people. $25 per person

Complete this entry and then select add another person and repeat for all your team members.

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


$60 per team. 3-6 people per team

One entry per team. Complete this entry and then select add another person and repeat for all your team members.

Family teams can have from 3 to 6 members. There is no age restriction, but riders should be able to complete the loop within 45 minutes, be confident and able to hold their line when being passed and not be a hazard to otehr riders.

Everyone should be somehow vaguely related.

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


$60 per team of 3-6 pupils from the same school

One entry per team. Complete this entry and then select add another person and repeat for all your team members.

School teams can have from 3 to 6 members, who must be in Year 7 to Year 10 and all from the same school. Each team must have an adult manager. 

Riders should be able to complete the loop within 45 minutes, be confident and able to hold their line when being passed and not be a hazard to other riders,

Sun 8 Sep 2024 NZST


Teams of 2-4 people. $25 per person

Prices are in NZD.

Who’s this ticket for?

Entry Information

Contact the event organiser